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Using Semalt's "Keywords In TOP" Ranking To Improve Your SEO

As people continue to seek their slice of the search engine pie, things continue to get more competitive. As companies continue to pursue filing in every potential list of keywords, it's crucial to understand how you can compete. Some agencies are content to direct you to Google's search console, but Semalt has a different approach to ensure your understanding.

In the rest of this article, we will be breaking down Semalt's "Keywords in TOP" method of tracking your SERP position. We will show you how to use this knowledge in conjunction with your SEO strategy.

A Step-By-Step Look at The "Keywords in TOP" Tracking Page

Before we dig into how this page can help you, you need to understand it. To assist you in this, we will go through each section in detail, starting from the top. 

Section One: The Domain and Search Engine Section

The first section you will see above the table is the domain and search engine section. By merely inserting your domain (or any domain), Semalt provides data on the website in a matter of seconds. 

The search engines section goes through all regional areas of Google, including the international version. Select your preferred search engine among the many options, and it will allow you to see what keywords your site ranks for below. Click the "apply" button to run the program.

Section Two: The Chart

The chart displays the top 100 keywords that you rank for in organic search results. Organic is when someone finds you without you needing to pay for an advertisement. It is a sign that your SEO strategy is working. 

In this case, we are working with, where it tells us that they rank for almost 13 thousand keywords in the number one position. It also tells us about an additional 25 thousand in the top three and 50 thousand in the top 10.

The scale of this includes everything over the past several months, which is the default suggestion. You can adjust how far back you see this in the upper right-hand corner of this graph. This display allows you to see changes that go anywhere from the beginning of your site to the current day changes. 

In a section below that, Semalt goes into the number details behind this graph. Regardless of how you prefer to see it, both numbers and visual graphs can help you determine the success of SEO campaigns. 

Section Three: Rankings By Keywords

The next section tells you the keywords you rank for in detail. Keywords for SEO include things that people search for that draw them to your website. This information can be sorted through by the following filters:
  • Date Range - It allows you to control the date range, so you see how far you have grown from one point to another. Again, this can go as far back as you wish so that you may learn of its effectiveness.
  • Keyword - If you are looking for a specific search term to rank for, you can place it into this area to find it. 
  • URL - It allows you to narrow down the pages that are ranking for your target keywords. You can keep this to the base domain or choose to narrow it down by subdomains.
  • TOP 100 - This section allows you to narrow down the number of keywords you rank for anywhere from top 1 to top 100.
  • Dynamics - This section allows you to narrow keywords down by ones that have moved or remained the same.
These filters allow you to see change on a very large or concise time scale. It also allows you to narrow this down by your focused keywords, subdomain, date range, number of searches, and popularity of the term. 

You can track these from a single dashboard you can find on Below, we will get into how you can use this information to enhance your SEO campaigns. 

Six Ways You Can Use The Semalt "Keywords in TOP" Dashboard To Grow Your Business

This page can help you in the following ways:
  1. Letting you see where you are succeeding. 
  2. Allowing you to see where you can improve. 
  3. Targetting keywords that lead to other goals.
  4. Allowing you to target regional search.
  5. Allowing you to see which of your subdomains are working.
  6. Seeing how AutoSEO and FullSEO works. 
Let's dig into the details.

How Seeing Your Success May Modify Your SEO Strategy

Drawing search engine traffic to your website is no joke. That first piece of organic traffic is something to be cherished. Also, it tells you where you might need to focus. 

When we succeed at this, it may tell you to do several things:
  • You could create a content marketing strategy around similar keywords.
  • It may tell you that they can draw their next stage of keyword phrases around another target. 
  • It may tell you to keep an eye on our competition level to ensure we can stay on that keyword. 
  • It may draw attention to the buyer's journey to see if this keyword is providing any sales.
When you succeed on SEO, it provides you additional chances for growth. Organic traffic is significant, but if your SEO goal is to increase subscriptions or make sales, you need to be sure that this next stage is ready. 

For example, if you draw an audience using an effective content marketing strategy and SEO campaign, having CTAs (Calls To Action) telling people to subscribe to your newsletter will allow you to combine successes. 

Seeing Where You Can Improve

Semalt's platform allows you to label your competitors for a detailed analysis easily. With this on your list of keyword research tools, you can see how their campaigns compare to yours. 

This information may tell you to target keywords for SEO that you focus on more aggressively. With enough effort on multiple fronts, you might be able to outrank them by improving your strategy. 

The key is typically finding the right long-tail keywords that locals will be interested in on local SEO. Combine that with a section that focuses on targeting the city you are in, and you will draw local traffic.

Understanding the Effectiveness of Keywords

Keywords tell search engines what your content says. When people place these keywords into Google, they find your website. They should be phrases of around two to four words, which provide people a clear idea of what your content offers. 

Google will not be able to determine what you are talking about from one or two words. But your keywords need to have another end goal. They need to draw a specific audience.

Think of what someone in your target audience's position want. For example, a moving company will want to rank for "moving company" as a keyword. If you offer additional services, you can say "moving and storage company." You can also take our next suggestion in mind. 

Target Regional Searches 

Google has a different website for many regions of the world. When it comes to keywords for SEO, inputting your city, state, or region into that SEO target provides you the ability to rank for long-tail keywords. 

You can narrow that down further by switching from the international Google to a more narrow version of Google. For example, those living in Turkey would target Semalt's system allows you to take a closer look at both.

Taking a Look At The Performance of Your Subdomains 

Subdomains are the narrow areas to go to specific areas of a website. Everything after the ".com/" leads to a subdomain. Those subdomains have the potential to rank for unique keyword ideas. 

For example, various blogs have the potential to target different keyword phrases. Each blog has the potential to rank for a different search query. The idea is that your blog's growth will eventually result in the development of your associated site. 

Subdomains do not have to be blogs; they can also link to specific products and services. If you are a plumber in Canada, you might want to rank for "emergency plumber Toronto" on your service offering emergency plumbing. 

Seeing the Results of Semalt's SEO Programs: AutoSEO and FullSEO

Semalt has the potential to assist you to rank for thousands of keywords. Those keywords can be difficult to target by yourself, especially when it comes to increasing backlinks. Semalt allows you to purchase one of their services and see them work through their available dashboard. 

This feature benefits you so that you will be able to see your monthly search volume increase. With the keyword research process coming from an expert in the field, you will see actionable data through this dashboard. Both you and Semalt can act on this data, resulting in a combined attack and more effectiveness.

Final Thoughts

Semalt's Keywords in TOP results page tells you what keywords you rank for in the top 100 results. They break it down between top 1, 3, 10, and 50 as well. This data provides you with actionable data to ensure that you rank well on the SERPs (Search Engine Results Page).

These search engine rankings can provide you with powerful tools to improve one's website. In combination with Semalt's other SEO campaigns, you can choose to boost your website beyond what you would be able to do by yourself. Best of all, you can easily track them via the available dashboard.